A History of Christmas

Christmas is one of the happiest times of the year, and it has been so for thousands of years in the West!

Astronomically speaking, it is the time of the year when the sun stops dipping into the Horizon and starts its ascent marking the eventual return of summer!

This has been celebrated raucously and wildly by the Ancient Romans and during the Middle Ages, to the point that the Puritans canceled Christmas in the early United States because it was deemed immoral.

Northern European cultures have celebrated it in many fashions; the common thread has always been a joyous religious celebration commemorating the end of the harshest part of winter and inviting better things to come for the following year—a tradition we keep to this day!

In Christianity, traditionally Easter was the main holiday; Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Interestingly, His birth was not celebrated. In the 4th century, Church officials decided otherwise. Pope Julius I chose December 25 since at the time no clear account of the date of Jesus' birth could be found in the Bible—there was quite a controversy at the time!

For us here in the USA, Christmas only became an official Federal Holiday on June 26 1870.

The specific manner in which we celebrate Christmas today, believe it or not, came from an author who imagined it that way! (The author was Washington Irving who wrote The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon - circa 1819.)

Regardless of the way people have celebrated Christmas throughout the millennia and the many reasons, traditions and religions, Christmas is a time for celebration, sharing with others, reconnecting, taking a break, affirming one's ideals and planning for the next year.

I wish you a Merry Christmas, and may the New Year give you more strength, resolve and fortitude of mind to make you prevail in your goals!

Happy Holidays!


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